Monday, February 16, 2009

Ten things that BUG me!

I was tagged so I feel completely obligated!
Here goes...
1. People who use the Library computers to get on facebook! And, well just facebook in general!
2. When you call someone, they don't answer, and they text you five seconds later, "Hey, what's up?"
3. People who wear sunglasses indoors
4. Boys that try and hit on you at the gym. Um...ya, I really am there to work out, not to talk to you
5. People who clip their nails in odd places
6. Those few months where the snow is melted so you can't ski, but it's still there so you can't play outside
7. When hair dressers put all that gunk in your hair that just makes it look completely greasy after an hour
8. Terribly slow service at Restaurants
9. When you are talking to a "couple" and you think they are listening, but in the middle of your sentence they kiss or lovingly gaze into each others eyes...
10.When people can't comprehend that, yes, you really are from Park City

I tag Jessica...your turn!


  1. holy crap! Thank you for writing about dang hair dressers and their greasy ways. I just got my hair done and I look like I tried to clue my bangs to my forehead. Laur! Thank the goodnesses you have a blog! This is so exciting. Now we can keep up on each others lives. Jeff comes home soon! Hallelujah praise the Lord!!! I can't believe it's been two years. I love you girl. P.S. yes i still have your christmas present and i'm sickened by myself. I forgot to bring it over that one day back during christmas time. My bad...i'll get it to ya.

  2. holy crap! Thank you for writing about dang hair dressers and their greasy ways. I just got my hair done and I look like I tried to clue my bangs to my forehead. Laur! Thank the goodnesses you have a blog! This is so exciting. Now we can keep up on each others lives. Jeff comes home soon! Hallelujah praise the Lord!!! I can't believe it's been two years. I love you girl. P.S. yes i still have your christmas present and i'm sickened by myself. I forgot to bring it over that one day back during christmas time. My bad...i'll get it to ya.
